


Review Article


The :review-article article-type denotes an authoritative, balanced, and scholarly survey aimed at informing a broad readership of developments in a field in which there have been recent, important advances. The requirement for balance need not prevent authors from proposing specific viewpoints, but if there are controversies in the field, the authors must treat them in an even-handed way. Language should be simple, novel concepts defined and specialist terminology explained.


@prefix article-types: <> .
@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

article-types:review-article a npg:ArticleType,
        skos:Concept ;
    npg:hasRoot article-types:research-and-reviews ;
    npg:id "review-article" ;
    npg:isLeaf false ;
    npg:isRoot false ;
    npg:treeDepth 2 ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy article-types: ;
    skos:broader article-types:reviews ;
    skos:definition "The :review-article article-type denotes an authoritative, balanced, and scholarly survey aimed at informing a broad readership of developments in a field in which there have been recent, important advances. The requirement for balance need not prevent authors from proposing specific viewpoints, but if there are controversies in the field, the authors must treat them in an even-handed way. Language should be simple, novel concepts defined and specialist terminology explained."@en ;
    skos:inScheme article-types: ;
    skos:narrower article-types:mini-review ;
    skos:prefLabel "Review Article"@en .