article-types:analysis leaf node





The :analysis article-type denotes an article describing analysis of existing data (typically large data sets from high-throughput platforms) or new data obtained through comparative analysis of technologies, methods or reagents of key importance to the field of research. The conclusions should be sufficiently novel and arresting to appeal to a substantial sector of the target audience.


@prefix article-types: <> .
@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

article-types:analysis a npg:ArticleType,
        skos:Concept ;
    npg:hasRoot article-types:research-and-reviews ;
    npg:id "analysis" ;
    npg:isLeaf true ;
    npg:isRoot false ;
    npg:treeDepth 2 ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy article-types: ;
    skos:broader article-types:research ;
    skos:definition "The :analysis article-type denotes an article describing analysis of existing data (typically large data sets from high-throughput platforms) or new data obtained through comparative analysis of technologies, methods or reagents of key importance to the field of research. The conclusions should be sufficiently novel and arresting to appeal to a substantial sector of the target audience."@en ;
    skos:inScheme article-types: ;
    skos:prefLabel "Analysis"@en .