article-types:data-descriptor leaf node



Data Descriptor


The :data-descriptor article-type denotes an article describing one or more unprocessed experimental or observational data sets, with a strong emphasis on the adequacy of the methods used to collect the data and technical analysis to support its suitability for re-use by others. A data descriptor will never describe tests of new hypotheses or include extensive analyses aimed at providing conceptual insights.


@prefix article-types: <> .
@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

article-types:data-descriptor a npg:ArticleType,
        skos:Concept ;
    npg:hasRoot article-types:research-and-reviews ;
    npg:id "data-descriptor" ;
    npg:isLeaf true ;
    npg:isRoot false ;
    npg:treeDepth 2 ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy article-types: ;
    skos:broader article-types:research ;
    skos:definition "The :data-descriptor article-type denotes an article describing one or more unprocessed experimental or observational data sets, with a strong emphasis on the adequacy of the methods used to collect the data and technical analysis to support its suitability for re-use by others. A data descriptor will never describe tests of new hypotheses or include extensive analyses aimed at providing conceptual insights."@en ;
    skos:inScheme article-types: ;
    skos:prefLabel "Data Descriptor"@en .