article-types:corrigendum leaf node





The :corrigendum article-type denotes a notification of an important error made by the author(s) that affects the publication record or the scientific integrity of the paper, or the reputation of the authors or the journal. In cases where co-authors disagree, the editors will take advice from independent peer-reviewers and impose the appropriate amendment, noting the dissenting author(s) in the text of the published version.


@prefix article-types: <> .
@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

article-types:corrigendum a npg:ArticleType,
        skos:Concept ;
    npg:hasRoot article-types:research-and-reviews ;
    npg:id "corrigendum" ;
    npg:isLeaf true ;
    npg:isRoot false ;
    npg:treeDepth 2 ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy article-types: ;
    skos:broader article-types:amendments-and-corrections ;
    skos:definition "The :corrigendum article-type denotes a notification of an important error made by the author(s) that affects the publication record or the scientific integrity of the paper, or the reputation of the authors or the journal. In cases where co-authors disagree, the editors will take advice from independent peer-reviewers and impose the appropriate amendment, noting the dissenting author(s) in the text of the published version."@en ;
    skos:inScheme article-types: ;
    skos:prefLabel "Corrigendum"@en .