dol:r-location leaf node





A relation for representing regions within other regions, e.g. in measurement spaces (space composition).The result of r-location composition is a new 'composed region', which can either preserve the same region type (e.g. physical+physical->physical, or physical+abstract->physical), or not (e.g. physical+abstract->abstract). See 'composition description' for more details.In some cases, space composition is conventional, i.e. a space is just 'located' at another space, as in the case of measurement spaces:(direct composition): r r-location r1In other cases, r-location implies a complex path, e.g. :(homogeneous composition): r q-location-of q inherent-in x has-quality q1 q-location r1(heterogeneous composition across endurants and perdurants): r q-location-of q inherent-in e participant-in p has-quality q1 q-location r1(heterogeneous composition across physical and non-physical endurants): r q-location-of q inherent-in pe specific-constant-dependent npe has-quality q1 q-location r1

Inherits from


dol:region dol:r-location dol:region


@prefix dol: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

dol:r-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:comment "A relation for representing regions within other regions, e.g. in measurement spaces (space composition).The result of r-location composition is a new 'composed region', which can either preserve the same region type (e.g. physical+physical->physical, or  physical+abstract->physical), or not (e.g. physical+abstract->abstract). See 'composition description' for more details.In some cases, space composition is conventional, i.e. a space is just 'located' at another space, as in the case of measurement spaces:(direct composition):   r r-location r1In other cases, r-location implies a complex path, e.g. :(homogeneous composition):   r q-location-of q inherent-in x has-quality q1 q-location r1(heterogeneous composition across endurants and perdurants):   r q-location-of q inherent-in e participant-in p has-quality q1 q-location r1(heterogeneous composition across physical and non-physical endurants):   r q-location-of q inherent-in pe specific-constant-dependent npe has-quality q1 q-location r1"^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:domain dol:region ;
    rdfs:range dol:region ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf dol:immediate-relation ;
    owl:inverseOf dol:r-location-of .