




Features are 'parasitic entities', that exist insofar their host exists. Typical examples of features are holes, bumps, boundaries, or spots of color. Features may be relevant parts of their host, like a bump or an edge, or dependent regions like a hole in a piece of cheese, the underneath of a table, the front of a house, or the shadow of a tree, which are not parts of their host. All features are essential wholes, but no common unity criterion may exist for all of them. However, typical features have a topological unity, as they are singular entities.Here only features of physical endurants are considered.


Instances of dol:feature can have the following properties:

From class dol:feature
dol:host owl:ObjectProperty The immediate relation holding for features and entities. dol:physical-endurant
From class dol:physical-endurant
dol:host-of owl:ObjectProperty dol:feature
dol:physical-location owl:ObjectProperty Analytical location holding between physical endurants and physical regions. dol:physical-region
From class dol:endurant
dol:life owl:FunctionalProperty Total constant participation applied to the mereological sum of the perdurants in which an endurant participates. dol:perdurant
dol:constant-participant-in owl:ObjectProperty dol:perdurant
dol:mereologically-coincides owl:ObjectProperty Having the same parts at time t. dol:endurant
dol:participant-in owl:ObjectProperty dol:perdurant
dol:temporary-atomic-part owl:ObjectProperty Having an atom as part at a time t. dol:endurant
dol:temporary-atomic-part-of owl:ObjectProperty dol:endurant
dol:temporary-part owl:ObjectProperty Being part at time t. It holds for endurants only. This is important to model parts that can change or be lost over time without affecting the identity of the whole. In FOL, this is expressed as a ternary relation, but in DLs we only can reason with binary relations, then only the necessary axiom of compresence is represented here. dol:endurant
dol:temporary-part-of owl:ObjectProperty dol:endurant
dol:temporary-participant-in owl:ObjectProperty x participates in some of y's parts. dol:perdurant
dol:temporary-proper-part owl:ObjectProperty Being proper part at time t. It holds for endurants only. This is important to model proper parts that can change or be lost over time without affecting the identity of the whole. dol:endurant
dol:temporary-proper-part-of owl:ObjectProperty dol:endurant
dol:total-constant-participant-in owl:ObjectProperty dol:perdurant
dol:total-temporary-participant-in owl:ObjectProperty dol:perdurant


@prefix dol: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

dol:feature a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:comment "Features are 'parasitic entities', that exist insofar their host exists. Typical examples of features are holes, bumps, boundaries, or spots of color. Features may be relevant parts of their host, like a bump or an edge, or dependent regions like a hole in a piece of cheese, the underneath of a table, the front of a house, or the shadow of a tree, which are not parts of their host. All features are essential wholes, but no common unity criterion may exist for all of them. However, typical features have a topological unity, as they are singular entities.Here only features of physical endurants are considered."^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty dol:host ;
            owl:someValuesFrom dol:physical-endurant ],
        dol:physical-endurant ;
    owl:disjointWith dol:amount-of-matter .