The most generic location relation, probably equivalent to more than one image schema in a cognitive system (e.g. containment for exact location, proximity for approximate location).This is meant to reason on generalized, common sense as well as formal locations, including naive localization, between any kinds of entities. Generic location is branched into 'exact' location, ranging on regions, and 'approximate' (naive) location, ranging on non-regions.
dol:particular | dol:generic-location | dol:particular |
@prefix dol: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
dol:generic-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "The most generic location relation, probably equivalent to more than one image schema in a cognitive system (e.g. containment for exact location, proximity for approximate location).This is meant to reason on generalized, common sense as well as formal locations, including naive localization, between any kinds of entities. Generic location is branched into 'exact' location, ranging on regions, and 'approximate' (naive) location, ranging on non-regions."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:domain dol:particular ;
rdfs:range dol:particular ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dol:mediated-relation ;
owl:inverseOf dol:generic-location-of .