




Qualities can be seen as the basic entities we can perceive or measure: shapes, colors, sizes, sounds, smells, as well as weights, lengths, electrical charges... 'Quality' is often used as a synonymous of 'property', but this is not the case in this upper ontology: qualities are particulars, properties are universals. Qualities inhere to entities: every entity (including qualities themselves) comes with certain qualities, which exist as long as the entity exists.


Instances of dol:quality can have the following properties:

From class dol:quality
dol:has-quale owl:ObjectProperty A quality having a q-location at an atomic region. dol:quale
dol:inherent-in owl:ObjectProperty The immediate relation holding for qualities and entities. dol:particular
dol:q-location owl:ObjectProperty The immediate relation holding for qualities and regions. See 'generic location' branching for the various mediated relations that embed q-location. dol:region
dol:t-inherent-in owl:ObjectProperty The immediate relation holding for qualities and entities at time t. dol:particular


@prefix dol: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

dol:quality a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:comment "Qualities can be seen as the basic entities we can  perceive or measure: shapes, colors, sizes, sounds, smells, as well as weights, lengths,  electrical charges... 'Quality' is often used as a synonymous of 'property', but this is  not the case in this upper ontology: qualities are particulars, properties are universals.  Qualities inhere to entities: every entity (including qualities themselves) comes with  certain qualities, which exist as long as the entity exists."^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty dol:inherent-in ;
            owl:someValuesFrom dol:particular ],
        dol:spatio-temporal-particular .