"Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) focus on deterring war, resolving conflict, promoting peace, and supporting civil authorities in response to domestic crises. The phrase and acronym has been popularized by the United States military in the 1990s, but it has since fallen out of use. The UK military has crafted an equivalent or alternate term "peace support operations" (PSO). Both MOOTW and PSO encompass peacekeeping, peacemaking, peace enforcement and peace building"
TIP: find out whether any of these apply to WW1
Instances of conflict:Non_Combat_Operation can have the following properties:
From class owl:Thing | |||
dc:creator | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:description | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:title | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:Non_Combat_Operation a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment """"Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) focus on deterring war, resolving conflict, promoting peace, and supporting civil authorities in response to domestic crises. The phrase and acronym has been popularized by the United States military in the 1990s, but it has since fallen out of use. The UK military has crafted an equivalent or alternate term "peace support operations" (PSO). Both MOOTW and PSO encompass peacekeeping, peacemaking, peace enforcement and peace building"
TIP: find out whether any of these apply to WW1"""^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Military_Operation .