quantifiable recording events // or maybe a scientific measurement where some piece of technology was used
Problem: when recording on a ship or on a lighthouse, we need to work out who is doing the recording, what is the devide used, and what role is played by lighthouse or ship!
Instances of conflict:Measurement can have the following properties:
From class conflict:Measurement | |||
conflict:used_instrument | owl:ObjectProperty | conflict:Measuring_Device | |
From class owl:Thing | |||
dc:creator | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:description | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:title | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:Measurement a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment """quantifiable recording events // or maybe a scientific measurement where some piece of technology was used
Problem: when recording on a ship or on a lighthouse, we need to work out who is doing the recording, what is the devide used, and what role is played by lighthouse or ship!"""^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Recording .