"Armoured cruisers were protected by a belt of side armour and an armoured deck. In the Royal Navy this classification was not actually used, the term first class cruiser being used instead for both armoured cruisers and large protected cruisers."
Instances of conflict:Armoured_Cruiser can have the following properties:
From class owl:Thing | |||
dc:creator | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:description | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dc:title | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:Armoured_Cruiser a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment ""Armoured cruisers were protected by a belt of side armour and an armoured deck. In the Royal Navy this classification was not actually used, the term first class cruiser being used instead for both armoured cruisers and large protected cruisers.""^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Cruiser .