This person may be the same as the other person, though there isn't enough evidence to definitively say so. Typically the individuals will have the same name, and some overlap of circumstances that makes it possible.
NTNames:Human | NTNames:possiblySamePersonAs | NTNames:Human |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:possiblySamePersonAs a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:SymmetricProperty ;
rdfs:label "possibly same person as"@en ;
rdfs:comment "This person may be the same as the other person, though there isn't enough evidence to definitively say so. Typically the individuals will have the same name, and some overlap of circumstances that makes it possible. "@en ;
rdfs:domain :Human ;
rdfs:range :Human ;
owl:inverseOf :possiblySamePersonAs .