Based on SUMO,
SUO 1.55: July 14, 2003
The broadest &%GeopoliticalArea, i.e. &%Nations are
&%GeopoliticalAreas that are not part of any other overarching and
comprehensive governance structure (excepting commonwealths and other sorts
of loose international organizations).
Note that modern nations referred to in the New Testament (Spain,
Italy, Libya) are typically not instances of Nation, but rather
of Region (if the borders are indefinite) or of LandArea.
Instances of NTNames:Nation can have the following properties:
From class NTNames:GeographicArea | |||
NTNames:location | owl:FunctionalProperty | The location property relates a GeographicArea to a GeographicLocation. Each GeographicArea is assumed to have only one location, and no GeographicAreas share a location. | NTNames:GeographicLocation |
NTNames:nativePlaceOf | owl:InverseFunctionalProperty | owl:Thing | |
NTNames:subregion | owl:ObjectProperty | Inverse of subregionOf | NTNames:GeographicArea |
NTNames:subregionOf | owl:ObjectProperty | A smaller GeographicArea is a subregionOf a larger one (e.g. Jerusalem is a subregionOf Israel). | NTNames:GeographicArea |
From class NTNames:Region | |||
NTNames:residentPlaceOf | owl:ObjectProperty | owl:Thing | |
NTNames:visitedPlaceOf | owl:ObjectProperty | owl:Thing | |
From class owl:Thing | |||
NTNames:LNID | owl:DatatypeProperty | Louw-Nida identifier, keying specific Greek terms (and their English translations) to their taxonomy of semantic domains. A string like "33.X'.439" identifies the term sumballo, which can be translated as "to express differences of opinion in a forceful way". In their scheme, this has domain index 33 (Communication), with sub-domain index X' (Dispute, Debate). The final integer index uniquely defines this term (but the same term may have multiple senses). The sub-domain index can be determined from the term index, but it seems helpful to include both. Note the possible values of the sub-domain index are A-Z, then A'-Z', etc. | xsd:string |
NTNames:antagonistOf | owl:ObjectProperty | "A person who opposes and contends against this person", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X antagonistOf Y> means X opposes, etc. Y, and also (by inference) <Y hasAntagonist X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y antagonistOf X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. | owl:Thing |
NTNames:enemyOf | owl:ObjectProperty | "A person towards whom this person feels hatred, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X, enemyOf, Y> means X feels hatred, etc. towards Y, and also (by inference) <Y, hasEnemy, X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y, enemyOf, X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:Nation a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Nation"@en ;
rdfs:comment """Based on SUMO,
SUO 1.55: July 14, 2003
The broadest &%GeopoliticalArea, i.e. &%Nations are
&%GeopoliticalAreas that are not part of any other overarching and
comprehensive governance structure (excepting commonwealths and other sorts
of loose international organizations).
Note that modern nations referred to in the New Testament (Spain,
Italy, Libya) are typically not instances of Nation, but rather
of Region (if the borders are indefinite) or of LandArea."""@en ;
rdfs:subClassOf :GeopoliticalArea,
:LandArea .