"A person who opposes and contends against this person", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X antagonistOf Y> means X opposes, etc. Y, and also (by inference) <Y hasAntagonist X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y antagonistOf X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal.
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:antagonistOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "antagonist of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "\"A person who opposes and contends against this person\", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X antagonistOf Y> means X opposes, etc. Y, and also (by inference) <Y hasAntagonist X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y antagonistOf X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal."@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :knows ;
owl:inverseOf :hasAntagonist .