Attributes of people, overlapping with the class hierarchy under suo:Group: this is unsatisfactory.
Instances of NTNames:HumanAttribute can have the following properties:
From class owl:Thing | |||
NTNames:LNID | owl:DatatypeProperty | Louw-Nida identifier, keying specific Greek terms (and their English translations) to their taxonomy of semantic domains. A string like "33.X'.439" identifies the term sumballo, which can be translated as "to express differences of opinion in a forceful way". In their scheme, this has domain index 33 (Communication), with sub-domain index X' (Dispute, Debate). The final integer index uniquely defines this term (but the same term may have multiple senses). The sub-domain index can be determined from the term index, but it seems helpful to include both. Note the possible values of the sub-domain index are A-Z, then A'-Z', etc. | xsd:string |
NTNames:antagonistOf | owl:ObjectProperty | "A person who opposes and contends against this person", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X antagonistOf Y> means X opposes, etc. Y, and also (by inference) <Y hasAntagonist X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y antagonistOf X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. | owl:Thing |
NTNames:enemyOf | owl:ObjectProperty | "A person towards whom this person feels hatred, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of", similar to vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X, enemyOf, Y> means X feels hatred, etc. towards Y, and also (by inference) <Y, hasEnemy, X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y, enemyOf, X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:HumanAttribute a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Human attribute"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Attributes of people, overlapping with the class hierarchy under suo:Group: this is unsatisfactory."@en .