NTNames:Man leaf node






SUO 1.55: July 14, 2003
The class of &%Male &%Humans.


Instances of NTNames:Man can have the following properties:

From class NTNames:Human
NTNames:description owl:DatatypeProperty A brief description of the salient aspects of a Human, based on their being mentioned in Scripture. This is not the way to enter dictionary-style definitions. xsd:string
NTNames:hasOnlyGenealogyMention owl:DatatypeProperty The only mention of this person in the New Testament text is the genealogies of Jesus recorded in Matthew 1 and/or Luke 3. Since only limited information (their ancestry) is available about this special subset of names, this property exists to support filtering them out (or in). xsd:boolean
NTNames:occupation owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:string
NTNames:childOf owl:ObjectProperty Similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. In-laws are considered relatives. NTNames:Human
NTNames:collaboratesWith owl:ObjectProperty "A person who works toward a common goal with this person", similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. Those to whom the author of a New Testament Epistle send greetings are assumed to be collaborators, though this is perhaps broader than the general sense of the word. However, simple Christian fellowship or conversion do not constitute collaboration in this sense. NTNames:Human
NTNames:ethnicity owl:ObjectProperty The ethnicity or, more generally, cultural heritage of a person. This can overlap with both religiousBelief (which may, however, change over time) and nativePlace (which, like ethnicity, does not change, though residency might). Whether a given property represents ethnicity or citizenship (nativePlace) can be a difficult decision, but in general, ethnic identities like "Jewish" or "Greek" take precedence. For example, we consider the Apostle Paul to have Jewish ethnicity, though he was a citizen of Tarsus, because he was raised as a Jew. Ethnicity is not specified without specific evidence, either textual or reliable tradition: for example, having a Greek name is not sufficient. NTNames:EthnicityAttribute
NTNames:hasAntagonist owl:ObjectProperty inverse of antagonistOf, which is not necessarily reciprocal owl:Thing
NTNames:hasEnemy owl:ObjectProperty inverse of enemyOf, which is not necessarily reciprocal NTNames:Human
NTNames:knows owl:ObjectProperty "A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties)", similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. Therefore this is a symmetric relationship: if I know you, you also know me (or else we don't "know" each other in this sense). NTNames:Human
NTNames:memberOf owl:ObjectProperty Human is a memberOf a Group. Inverse of member. There are subtleties about Collections in SUMO that i'm omiting here. NTNames:Group
NTNames:parentOf owl:ObjectProperty Similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. NTNames:Human
NTNames:possiblySamePersonAs owl:ObjectProperty This person may be the same as the other person, though there isn't enough evidence to definitively say so. Typically the individuals will have the same name, and some overlap of circumstances that makes it possible. NTNames:Human
NTNames:relativeOf owl:ObjectProperty A person who is related by kinship to this person. No attempt is made to delineate precisely which kinship relations qualify: this is used when a description indicates two people are "related". parent/child/siblingOf are subproperties of this, properly speaking. NTNames:Human
NTNames:siblingOf owl:ObjectProperty Similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. NTNames:Human
NTNames:spouseOf owl:ObjectProperty Similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. Multiple spouses are all included, whether sequential (Herodias) or simultaneous (the woman at the well). NTNames:Human
From class owl:Thing
NTNames:LNID owl:DatatypeProperty Louw-Nida identifier, keying specific Greek terms (and their English translations) to their taxonomy of semantic domains. A string like "33.X'.439" identifies the term sumballo, which can be translated as "to express differences of opinion in a forceful way". In their scheme, this has domain index 33 (Communication), with sub-domain index X' (Dispute, Debate). The final integer index uniquely defines this term (but the same term may have multiple senses). The sub-domain index can be determined from the term index, but it seems helpful to include both. Note the possible values of the sub-domain index are A-Z, then A'-Z', etc. xsd:string
NTNames:antagonistOf owl:ObjectProperty "A person who opposes and contends against this person", similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X antagonistOf Y> means X opposes, etc. Y, and also (by inference) <Y hasAntagonist X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y antagonistOf X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. owl:Thing
NTNames:enemyOf owl:ObjectProperty "A person towards whom this person feels hatred, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of", similar to http://purl.org/vocab/relationship vocabulary, but with different domain and range. For clarity, <X, enemyOf, Y> means X feels hatred, etc. towards Y, and also (by inference) <Y, hasEnemy, X>. However, it does _not_ necessarily mean <Y, enemyOf, X>, i.e. it is not necessarily reciprocal. owl:Thing


@prefix : <http://semanticbible.org/ns/2006/NTNames#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

:Man a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Man"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """SUO 1.55: July 14, 2003
The class of &%Male &%Humans."""@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Woman ;
            owl:onProperty :spouseOf ],
        :Human ;
    owl:disjointWith :Woman .