The Odin class was a pair of coastal defense ships built for the German Kaiserliche Marine in the late 19th century. The class comprised two ships: Odin, named after the Norse god Odin, and Ägir, named after the Norse god of the same name. The ships were very similar to the preceding Siegfried-class coast defense ships, and are sometimes considered to be one class of ships. Like the preceding Siegfried class ships, Odin and Ägir were obsolete by the time World War I had started.
@prefix : <> .
@prefix dbpedia: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix naval: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
:OdinClass a :CoastalDefenceShip,
skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Odin class coastal defense ship"@en,
"Classe Odin"@fr ;
naval:hasBeamMeters "15.2" ;
naval:hasDisplacementMetricTonnes "3550" ;
naval:hasDraughtMeters "5.61" ;
naval:hasLenghtMeters "79.0" ;
naval:hasMaxSpeedKnots "15" ;
naval:ownedBy <> ;
org:inEra org:EraGreatWar ;
void:inDataset :datasetdefinition ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy naval: ;
owl:sameAs dbpedia:Odin_class_coastal_defense_ship ;
skos:definition "The Odin class was a pair of coastal defense ships built for the German Kaiserliche Marine in the late 19th century. The class comprised two ships: Odin, named after the Norse god Odin, and Ägir, named after the Norse god of the same name. The ships were very similar to the preceding Siegfried-class coast defense ships, and are sometimes considered to be one class of ships. Like the preceding Siegfried class ships, Odin and Ägir were obsolete by the time World War I had started."@en ;
foaf:name "Odin Class" .