naval:Dreadnought leaf node





The dreadnought was the predominant type of battleship in the early 20th-century. The first of the kind, the Royal Navy's Dreadnought, had such an impact when launched in 1906 that similar battleships built after her were referred to as "dreadnoughts", and earlier battleships became known as pre-dreadnoughts. Her design had two revolutionary features: an "all-big-gun" armament scheme and steam turbine propulsion.

Inherits from


@prefix : <> .
@prefix dbpedia: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix naval: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix void: <> .

:Dreadnought a :MilitaryShipFunction,
        skos:Concept ;
    rdfs:label "Dreadnought"@en,
        "Дредноут (класс кораблей)"@ru,
        "无畏舰"@zh ;
    void:inDataset :datasetdefinition ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy naval: ;
    owl:sameAs dbpedia:Dreadnought ;
    owl:subClass :BattleShip ;
    skos:broader :BattleShip ;
    skos:definition "The dreadnought was the predominant type of battleship in the early 20th-century. The first of the kind, the Royal Navy's Dreadnought, had such an impact when launched in 1906 that similar battleships built after her were referred to as \"dreadnoughts\", and earlier battleships became known as pre-dreadnoughts. Her design had two revolutionary features: an \"all-big-gun\" armament scheme and steam turbine propulsion."@en ;
    foaf:name "Dreadnought" .