




A battleship is a large armored warship with a main battery consisting of heavy caliber guns. Battleships are larger, with better arms and armor, than cruisers and destroyers. As the largest armed ships in a fleet, battleships were used to attain command of the sea and represented the apex of a nation's naval power from about 1875 up until World War II.

Inherits from

  • owl:Thing
  • Implementation

    @prefix : <> .
    @prefix dbpedia: <> .
    @prefix foaf: <> .
    @prefix naval: <> .
    @prefix owl: <> .
    @prefix rdfs: <> .
    @prefix skos: <> .
    @prefix void: <> .
    :BattleShip a :MilitaryShipFunction,
            skos:Concept ;
        rdfs:label "Cuirassat"@ca,
            "Bitevní loď"@cs,
            "Nave da battaglia"@it,
            "Thiết giáp hạm"@vi,
            "戰艦"@zh ;
        void:inDataset :datasetdefinition ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy naval: ;
        owl:sameAs dbpedia:Battleship ;
        owl:subClass :CapitalShip ;
        skos:definition "A battleship is a large armored warship with a main battery consisting of heavy caliber guns. Battleships are larger, with better arms and armor, than cruisers and destroyers. As the largest armed ships in a fleet, battleships were used to attain command of the sea and represented the apex of a nation's naval power from about 1875 up until World War II."@en ;
        foaf:name "Battleship" .