The North Carolina class was a group of two fast battleships, North Carolina and Washington, built for the United States Navy in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The navy was originally uncertain whether the ships should be fast enough to counter the Japanese Kongō class, which was believed by the United States to be capable of 26 knots (30 mph; 48 km/h), or should sacrifice speed for additional firepower and armor.
@prefix : <> .
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@prefix naval: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
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:NorthCarolinaClass a :MilitaryShipClass,
skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label "Třída North Carolina"@cs,
"North Carolina class battleship"@en,
"Classe North Carolina"@fr,
"Линейные корабли типа «Норт Кэролайн»"@ru,
"North Carolina (lớp thiết giáp hạm)"@vi ;
naval:hasBeamMeters "33" ;
naval:hasDisplacementMetricTonnes "37200" ;
naval:hasDraughtMeters "10.3632" ;
naval:hasLenghtMeters "221.894" ;
naval:hasMaxSpeedKPH "51.856" ;
naval:ownedBy <> ;
naval:preceededBy dbpedia:South_Dakota_class_battleship_(1920) ;
naval:succeededBy dbpedia:North_Carolina_class_battleship ;
void:inDataset :datasetdefinition ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy naval: ;
owl:sameAs dbpedia:North_Carolina_class_battleship ;
skos:definition "The North Carolina class was a group of two fast battleships, North Carolina and Washington, built for the United States Navy in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The navy was originally uncertain whether the ships should be fast enough to counter the Japanese Kongō class, which was believed by the United States to be capable of 26 knots (30 mph; 48 km/h), or should sacrifice speed for additional firepower and armor."@en ;
foaf:name "North Carolina Class" .