crm:P158_occupied leaf node



P158 occupied


Scope note:
This property associates an instance of E4 Period with the real that is phenomenal, 4 dimensional point set or volume in spacetime that it has occupied. The associated instance of E92 Spacetime Volume includes the trajectories of the participating physical things during their participation in the instance of E4 Period. This consists of the open spaces via which they have interacted and the spaces by which they had the potential to interact during that period or event.

Such interactions took place in the way defined by the type of the respective period or event, such as the air in a meeting room transferring the voices. Another example are the areas controlled by some military power. In case of phenomena spreading out over islands or other separated areas, the trajectories necessary for participants to travel between these areas are not regarded as part of the occupied spacetime volumes. Such instances of E4 Period occupy each a limited number of contiguous spacetime volumes, however there must not be a discontinuity in the total timespan covered by these spacetime volumes. The real spacetime volumes occupied by an instance of E4 Period must not be confused with declarations of spacetime approximating the real extent. In general, instances of E4 Period have fuzzy boundaries in spacetime.

Therefore it cannot be verified, if two different instances of E4 Period occupy exactly the same spacetime volume. We therefore determine that a spacetime volume may only be occupied by one instance of E4 Period.


crm:E4_Period crm:P158_occupied crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume


@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix ecrm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

crm:P158_occupied a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "P158 occupied"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """Scope note:
This property associates an instance of E4 Period with the real that is phenomenal, 4 dimensional point set or volume in spacetime that it has occupied. The associated instance of E92 Spacetime Volume includes the trajectories of the participating physical things during their participation in the instance of E4 Period. This consists of the open spaces via which they have interacted and the spaces by which they had the potential to interact during that period or event.

Such interactions took place in the way defined by the type of the respective period or event, such as the air in a meeting room transferring the voices. Another example are the areas controlled by some military power. In case of phenomena spreading out over islands or other separated areas, the trajectories necessary for participants to travel between these areas are not regarded as part of the occupied spacetime volumes. Such instances of E4 Period occupy each a limited number of contiguous spacetime volumes, however there must not be a discontinuity in the total timespan covered by these spacetime volumes. The real spacetime volumes occupied by an instance of E4 Period must not be confused with declarations of spacetime approximating the real extent. In general, instances of E4 Period have fuzzy boundaries in spacetime.

Therefore it cannot be verified, if two different instances of E4 Period occupy exactly the same spacetime volume. We therefore determine that a spacetime volume may only be occupied by one instance of E4 Period."""^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:domain crm:E4_Period ;
    rdfs:range crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume ;
    owl:equivalentProperty ecrm:P158_occupied ;
    skos:notation "P158"^^xsd:string .