crm:P145_separated leaf node



P145 separated


Scope note:
This property identifies the instance of E39 Actor that leaves an instance of E74 Group through an instance of E86 Leaving.

- The end of Sir Isaac Newton's duty as Member of Parliament for the University of Cambridge to the Convention Parliament in 1702 separated Sir Isaac Newton
- George Washington's leaving office in 1797 separated George Washington
- The implementation of the treaty regulating the termination of Greenland membership in EU between EU, Denmark and Greenland February 1. 1985 (E86) separated Greenland (E40)

In First Order Logic:
P145(x,y) ⊃ E86(x)
P145(x,y) ⊃ E39(y)
P145(x,y) ⊃ P11(x,y)


crm:E86_Leaving crm:P145_separated owl:Thing (inferred)


@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix ecrm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

crm:P145_separated a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "P145 separated"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """Scope note:
This property identifies the instance of E39 Actor that leaves an instance of E74 Group through an instance of E86 Leaving.

- The end of Sir Isaac Newton's duty as Member of Parliament for the University of Cambridge to the Convention Parliament in 1702 separated Sir Isaac Newton
- George Washington's leaving office in 1797 separated George Washington
- The implementation of the treaty regulating the termination of Greenland membership in EU between EU, Denmark and Greenland February 1. 1985 (E86) separated Greenland (E40)

In First Order Logic:
P145(x,y) ⊃ E86(x)
P145(x,y) ⊃ E39(y)
P145(x,y) ⊃ P11(x,y)"""@en ;
    rdfs:domain crm:E86_Leaving ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf crm:P11_had_participant ;
    owl:equivalentProperty ecrm:P145_separated ;
    owl:inverseOf crm:P145i_left_by ;
    skos:notation "P145"^^xsd:string .