The object of the relationship is the agent, likely software, responsible for generating the serialization of the Annotation's serialization.
It is RECOMMENDED to use these and other FOAF terms to describe agents: foaf:Person, prov:SoftwareAgent, foaf:Organization, foaf:name, foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, foaf:homepage
There MAY be 0 or more oa:serializedBy relationships per Annotation.
oa:#Annotation | oa:#serializedBy | owl:Thing (inferred) |
@prefix oa: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
oa:serializedBy a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "serializedBy"@en ;
rdfs:comment """The object of the relationship is the agent, likely software, responsible for generating the serialization of the Annotation's serialization.
It is RECOMMENDED to use these and other FOAF terms to describe agents: foaf:Person, prov:SoftwareAgent, foaf:Organization, foaf:name, foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, foaf:homepage
There MAY be 0 or more oa:serializedBy relationships per Annotation."""@en ;
rdfs:domain oa:Annotation ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy oa: ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo .