The relationship between a oa:SpecificResource and a oa:Selector.
There MUST be exactly 0 or 1 oa:hasSelector relationship associated with a
Specific Resource.
If multiple Selectors are required, either to express a choice between different optional, equivalent selectors, or a chain of selectors that should all be processed, it is necessary to use oa:Choice, oa:Composite or oa:List as a selector.
oa:#SpecificResource | oa:#hasSelector | oa:#Selector |
@prefix oa: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
oa:hasSelector a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "hasSelector"@en ;
rdfs:comment """The relationship between a oa:SpecificResource and a oa:Selector.
There MUST be exactly 0 or 1 oa:hasSelector relationship associated with a
Specific Resource.
If multiple Selectors are required, either to express a choice between different optional, equivalent selectors, or a chain of selectors that should all be processed, it is necessary to use oa:Choice, oa:Composite or oa:List as a selector."""@en ;
rdfs:domain oa:SpecificResource ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy oa: ;
rdfs:range oa:Selector .