oa:#SvgSelector leaf node






A Selector which selects an area specified as an SVG shape.

The SVG document should either be retrievable by resolving the URI of this resource, or be included as an Embedded Resource using cnt:Content.

It is RECOMMENDED that the document contain only a single shape element and that element SHOULD be one of: path, rect, circle, ellipse, polyline, polygon or g. The g element SHOULD ONLY be used to construct a multi-element group, for example to define a donut shape requiring an outer circle and a clipped inner circle.

The dimensions of both the shape and the SVG canvas MUST be relative to the dimensions of the Source resource. For example, given an image which is 600 pixels by 400 pixels, and the desired section is a circle of 100 pixel radius at the center of the image, then the SVG element would be: <circle cx="300" cy="200" r="100"/>

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to include style information within the SVG element, nor Javascript, animation, text or other non shape oriented information. Clients SHOULD ignore such information if present.

Superclasses (1)


Instances of oa:#SvgSelector can have the following properties:

From class oa:#Selector
oa:#end owl:DatatypeProperty The end position of the segment of text or bytes. The first character/byte in the full text/stream is position 0. The character/byte indicated at position oa:end is NOT included within the selected segment. See oa:DataPositionSelector and oa:oa:TextPositionSelector. xsd:nonNegativeInteger
oa:#exact owl:DatatypeProperty A copy of the text which is being selected, after normalization. See oa:TextQuoteSelector. owl:Thing
oa:#prefix owl:DatatypeProperty A snippet of text that occurs immediately before the text which is being selected. See oa:TextQuoteSelector. owl:Thing
oa:#start owl:DatatypeProperty The starting position of the segment of text or bytes. The first character/byte in the full text/stream is position 0. The character/byte indicated at position oa:start is included within the selected segment. See oa:DataPositionSelector and oa:TextPositionSelector. xsd:nonNegativeInteger
oa:#suffix owl:DatatypeProperty The snippet of text that occurs immediately after the text which is being selected. See oa:TextQuoteSelector. owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
oa:#equivalentTo owl:ObjectProperty The subject and object resources of the oa:equivalentTo relationship represent the same resource, but potentially have different metadata such as oa:serializedBy, oa:serializedAt and serialization format. oa:equivalentTo is a symmetrical and transitive relationship; if A oa:equivalentTo B, then it is also true that B oa:equivalent A; and that if B oa:equivalentTo C, then it is also true that A oa:equivalentTo C. The Annotation MAY include 0 or more instances of the oa:equivalentTo relationship between copies of the Annotation or other resources, and SHOULD include as many as are available. If a system publishes an embedded resource (a cnt:Content) at a new HTTP URI, then it SHOULD express the oa:equivalentTo relationship between the resource's URN and the new URI from which it is available. owl:Thing
oa:#item owl:ObjectProperty The relationship between a multiplicity construct node and its constituent resources. There MUST be 1 or more item relationships for each multiplicity construct oa:Choice, oa:Composite and oa:List. owl:Thing


@prefix oa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

oa:SvgSelector a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "SvgSelector"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """A Selector which selects an area specified as an SVG shape.

The SVG document should either be retrievable by resolving the URI of this resource, or be included as an Embedded Resource using cnt:Content.

It is RECOMMENDED that the document contain only a single shape element and that element SHOULD be one of: path, rect, circle, ellipse, polyline, polygon or g. The g element SHOULD ONLY be used to construct a multi-element group, for example to define a donut shape requiring an outer circle and a clipped inner circle.

The dimensions of both the shape and the SVG canvas MUST be relative to the dimensions of the Source resource. For example, given an image which is 600 pixels by 400 pixels, and the desired section is a circle of 100 pixel radius at the center of the image, then the SVG element would be: <circle cx="300" cy="200" r="100"/>

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to include style information within the SVG element, nor Javascript, animation, text or other non shape oriented information. Clients SHOULD ignore such information if present."""@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy oa: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf oa:Selector .