npg:ReviewEvent leaf node



Review Event


The :ReviewEvent class models events related to the reviewing of a document (before its publication). In order to differentiate these events further, the :ReviewState vocabulary is used.


Instances of npg:ReviewEvent can have the following properties:

From class npg:ReviewEvent
npg:hasReviewState owl:ObjectProperty The :hasReviewState property relates a review-event to a review-state that describes some recognized change in the status of a publication's review history. npg:ReviewState
From class npg:PublicationEvent
npg:hasArticle owl:ObjectProperty The :hasArticle property relates a publication-event to an article. npg:Article
npg:hasCollection owl:ObjectProperty The :hasCollection property relates a publication-event to a collection. npg:Collection
npg:hasIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasIssue property relates a publication-event to an issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasPublication owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPublication property relates a publication-event to a publication. npg:Publication
From class npg:Event
npg:date owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the full date of an event as a string. xsd:date
npg:year owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the year date of an event as a string. xsd:gYear
npg:yearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the year and month date of an event as a string. xsd:gYearMonth
From class owl:Thing
npg:baseUriTemplate owl:DatatypeProperty The :baseUriTemplate property specifies a string template for an asset base URI. rdfs:Literal
npg:class owl:AnnotationProperty The :class property specifies the class a domain model refers to. owl:Thing
npg:count owl:ObjectProperty The :count property specifies a map which records the number of instances of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:datetime owl:AnnotationProperty The :datetime property specifies a system-generated datetime for an entity. owl:Thing
npg:example owl:AnnotationProperty The :example property specifies an example of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:graph owl:AnnotationProperty The :graph property specifies the full URI of any graph. owl:Thing
npg:hasBlog owl:ObjectProperty The :hasBlog property relates a serial to a blog associated with it. npg:Blog
npg:hasGraph owl:ObjectProperty The :hasGraph property relates an entity to the RDF named graph associated with it. npg:Graph
npg:hasJournal owl:ObjectProperty The :hasJournal property relates a publication to a journal. npg:Journal
npg:hash owl:DatatypeProperty The :hash property specifies a hash value over an entity URI used as a data integrity check. rdfs:Literal
npg:id owl:DatatypeProperty The :id property provides a unique ID for a thing. rdfs:Literal
npg:idHash owl:DatatypeProperty The :idHash property specifies a string hash value for an ID. rdfs:Literal
npg:isNamedResource owl:AnnotationProperty The :isNamedResource property marks whether an object resource is named or is unnamed (i.e. a blank node). owl:Thing
npg:isRepeatable owl:AnnotationProperty The :isRepeatable property marks whether a property can be repeated. owl:Thing
npg:isTestInstance owl:DatatypeProperty The :isTestInstance property marks whether a resource is to be used for test purposes only. xsd:boolean
npg:isVocabulary owl:AnnotationProperty The :isVocabulary property marks whether a class is used for a controlled vocabulary. owl:Thing
npg:status owl:DatatypeProperty The :status property specifies a status string for an ontology term. rdfs:Literal
npg:test owl:DatatypeProperty The :test property specifies a general string test property. owl:Thing
npg:timestamp owl:DatatypeProperty The :timestamp property specifies a generic timestamp for an object. rdfs:Literal
npg:type owl:AnnotationProperty The :type property specifies the local name of the graph namespace used for instances of a class. owl:Thing
npg:xmlId owl:DatatypeProperty The :xmlId property specifies an ID assigned to an XML element. rdfs:Literal


@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

npg:ReviewEvent a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy npg: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf npg:PublicationEvent ;
    skos:definition "The :ReviewEvent class models events related to the reviewing of a document (before its publication). In order to differentiate these events further, the :ReviewState vocabulary is used."@en ;
    skos:prefLabel "Review Event"@en .