




The :Contributor class represents a document component detailing a contributor (personal or corporate) to the work being published. This class is disjoint from the :Agent class. Hence a :Contributor instance can be described as the name used to refer to a person or organisation in the context of a publication.


Instances of npg:Contributor can have the following properties:

From class npg:Contributor
npg:familyName owl:DatatypeProperty The :familyName property specifies the family name of a person. rdfs:Literal
npg:givenName owl:DatatypeProperty The :givenName property specifies the given name of a person. rdfs:Literal
npg:isCorresponding owl:DatatypeProperty The :isCorresponding property marks whether a contributor is a corresponding author. xsd:boolean
npg:isGroup owl:DatatypeProperty The :isGroup property marks whether a contributor name refers to a collective agent, i.e. a group of people or an institution. xsd:boolean
npg:name owl:DatatypeProperty The :name property specifies the full name for a thing. rdfs:Literal
From class npg:Component
npg:number owl:DatatypeProperty The :number property specifies a sequence number for a component such as a figure. xsd:integer
From class npg:Publication
npg:body owl:DatatypeProperty The :body property specifies the main body content of a publication as a string. rdfs:Literal
npg:bodyXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :bodyXml property specifies the main body content of a publication as an XML string. rdfs:Literal
npg:citation owl:DatatypeProperty The :citation property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string for reference purposes. rdfs:Literal
npg:citationData owl:DatatypeProperty The :citationData property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string for machine use. rdfs:Literal
npg:citationXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :citationXML property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string containing XML for user presentation. rdfs:Literal
npg:coverDate owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the full date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:date
npg:coverYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the year date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:gYear
npg:coverYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the year and month date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:doi owl:DatatypeProperty The :doi property specifies a DOI number for a publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:isEventWorkflow owl:DatatypeProperty The :isEventWorkflow property marks whether a publication is in the new metadata-based (event) workflow. xsd:boolean
npg:publicationDate owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationDate property specifies the full date of a publication as a string. xsd:date
npg:publicationDateTime owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationDateTime property specifies the full date of a publication as a string, including the time of publication. xsd:dateTime
npg:publicationEndYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationEndYear property specifies the year date of a publication's end as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication end date. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationEndYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationEndYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication's end as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication end date. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:publicationName owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationName property specifies a string name for an external publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:publicationStartYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationStartYear property specifies the year date of a publication's start as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication start date. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationStartYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationStartYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication's start as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication start date. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:publicationYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationYear property specifies the year date of a publication as a string. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication as a string. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:shortTitle owl:DatatypeProperty The :shortTitle property specifies an abbreviated title for a publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:title owl:DatatypeProperty The :title property specifies a title to the main body content of a publication as a string. rdfs:Literal
npg:titleXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :titleXml property specifies a title to the main body content of a publication as an XML string. rdfs:Literal
npg:contributorList owl:ObjectProperty The :contributorList property specifies an ordered list of contributors. rdf:List
npg:doiLink owl:ObjectProperty The :doiLink property relates a publication to the URI minted from the DOI. owl:Thing
npg:figureList owl:ObjectProperty The :figureList property specifies an ordered list of figures for a publication. rdf:List
npg:hasAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasAsset property relates a publication to an asset. npg:Asset
npg:hasBroaderSubject owl:ObjectProperty The :hasBroaderSubject property relates a publication to a broader subject term than it is actually classified with. npg:Subject
npg:hasCurrentIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasCurrentIssue property relates a publication to the current issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasFigure owl:ObjectProperty The :hasFigure property relates a publication to a figure. npg:Figure
npg:hasIllustration owl:ObjectProperty The :hasIllustration property relates a publication to an illustration. npg:Illustration
npg:hasImage owl:ObjectProperty The :hasImage property relates a publication to an image. npg:Image
npg:hasItem owl:ObjectProperty The :hasItem property relates a publication to an item. npg:Item
npg:hasNextIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasNextIssue property relates a publication to the next issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasPdfAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPdfAsset property relates a publication to a pdf-asset. npg:PdfAsset
npg:hasPreviousIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPreviousIssue property relates a publication to the previous issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasPublishEvent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPublishEvent property relates a publication to a publish-event that describes some recognized change in the status of a publication's publish history. npg:PublishEvent
npg:hasPublisher owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPublisher property relates a publication to the organization that publishes it. npg:Publisher
npg:hasReviewEvent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasReviewEvent property relates a publication to a review-event that describes some recognized change in the status of a publication's review history. npg:ReviewEvent
npg:hasSerial owl:ObjectProperty The :hasSerial property relates a publication to a serial. npg:Serial
npg:hasSubject owl:ObjectProperty The :hasSubject property relates a publication to a subject term which describes one of the main topics the publication is about. npg:Subject
npg:hasWebsite owl:ObjectProperty The :hasWebsite property relates a publication to a website. npg:Website
npg:hasXmlAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasXmlAsset property relates a publication to an xml-asset. npg:XmlAsset
npg:imageList owl:ObjectProperty The :imageList property specifies an ordered list of images for a publication. rdf:List
npg:orcid owl:ObjectProperty The :orcid property relates a publication to an ORCID record. owl:Thing
npg:relation owl:ObjectProperty The :relation property relates a publication to a publication. npg:Publication
npg:replacedBy owl:ObjectProperty The :replacedBy property relates a publication to another publication that replaces it. npg:Publication
npg:replaces owl:ObjectProperty The :replaces property relates a publication to another publication that it replaces. npg:Publication
npg:webpage owl:ObjectProperty The :webpage property relates a publication to a page on the web that describes it. owl:Thing
From class npg:Concept
npg:mesh owl:ObjectProperty The :mesh property relates a concept to a Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term as a resource. owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
npg:baseUriTemplate owl:DatatypeProperty The :baseUriTemplate property specifies a string template for an asset base URI. rdfs:Literal
npg:class owl:AnnotationProperty The :class property specifies the class a domain model refers to. owl:Thing
npg:count owl:ObjectProperty The :count property specifies a map which records the number of instances of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:datetime owl:AnnotationProperty The :datetime property specifies a system-generated datetime for an entity. owl:Thing
npg:example owl:AnnotationProperty The :example property specifies an example of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:graph owl:AnnotationProperty The :graph property specifies the full URI of any graph. owl:Thing
npg:hasBlog owl:ObjectProperty The :hasBlog property relates a serial to a blog associated with it. npg:Blog
npg:hasGraph owl:ObjectProperty The :hasGraph property relates an entity to the RDF named graph associated with it. npg:Graph
npg:hasJournal owl:ObjectProperty The :hasJournal property relates a publication to a journal. npg:Journal
npg:hash owl:DatatypeProperty The :hash property specifies a hash value over an entity URI used as a data integrity check. rdfs:Literal
npg:id owl:DatatypeProperty The :id property provides a unique ID for a thing. rdfs:Literal
npg:idHash owl:DatatypeProperty The :idHash property specifies a string hash value for an ID. rdfs:Literal
npg:isNamedResource owl:AnnotationProperty The :isNamedResource property marks whether an object resource is named or is unnamed (i.e. a blank node). owl:Thing
npg:isRepeatable owl:AnnotationProperty The :isRepeatable property marks whether a property can be repeated. owl:Thing
npg:isTestInstance owl:DatatypeProperty The :isTestInstance property marks whether a resource is to be used for test purposes only. xsd:boolean
npg:isVocabulary owl:AnnotationProperty The :isVocabulary property marks whether a class is used for a controlled vocabulary. owl:Thing
npg:status owl:DatatypeProperty The :status property specifies a status string for an ontology term. rdfs:Literal
npg:test owl:DatatypeProperty The :test property specifies a general string test property. owl:Thing
npg:timestamp owl:DatatypeProperty The :timestamp property specifies a generic timestamp for an object. rdfs:Literal
npg:type owl:AnnotationProperty The :type property specifies the local name of the graph namespace used for instances of a class. owl:Thing
npg:xmlId owl:DatatypeProperty The :xmlId property specifies an ID assigned to an XML element. rdfs:Literal


@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

npg:Contributor a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy npg: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf npg:Component ;
    skos:definition "The :Contributor class represents a document component detailing a contributor (personal or corporate) to the work being published. This class is disjoint from the :Agent class. Hence a :Contributor instance can be described as the name used to refer to a person or organisation in the context of a publication."@en ;
    skos:prefLabel "Contributor"@en .