




The :Publication class groups together all individuals (or part of) created as the result of the publishing process. Note that we are not referring here to the physical artefacts, but just their abstract counterparts.

Superclasses (2)


Instances of npg:Publication can have the following properties:

From class npg:Publication
npg:body owl:DatatypeProperty The :body property specifies the main body content of a publication as a string. rdfs:Literal
npg:bodyXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :bodyXml property specifies the main body content of a publication as an XML string. rdfs:Literal
npg:citation owl:DatatypeProperty The :citation property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string for reference purposes. rdfs:Literal
npg:citationData owl:DatatypeProperty The :citationData property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string for machine use. rdfs:Literal
npg:citationXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :citationXML property specifies the full citation of a publication as a single string containing XML for user presentation. rdfs:Literal
npg:coverDate owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the full date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:date
npg:coverYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the year date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:gYear
npg:coverYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :coverDate property specifies the year and month date of a publication as it is displayed on its cover. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:doi owl:DatatypeProperty The :doi property specifies a DOI number for a publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:isEventWorkflow owl:DatatypeProperty The :isEventWorkflow property marks whether a publication is in the new metadata-based (event) workflow. xsd:boolean
npg:publicationDate owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationDate property specifies the full date of a publication as a string. xsd:date
npg:publicationDateTime owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationDateTime property specifies the full date of a publication as a string, including the time of publication. xsd:dateTime
npg:publicationEndYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationEndYear property specifies the year date of a publication's end as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication end date. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationEndYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationEndYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication's end as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication end date. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:publicationName owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationName property specifies a string name for an external publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:publicationStartYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationStartYear property specifies the year date of a publication's start as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication start date. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationStartYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationStartYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication's start as a string. Note that this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication start date. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:publicationYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationYear property specifies the year date of a publication as a string. xsd:gYear
npg:publicationYearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :publicationYearMonth property specifies the year and month date of a publication as a string. xsd:gYearMonth
npg:shortTitle owl:DatatypeProperty The :shortTitle property specifies an abbreviated title for a publication. rdfs:Literal
npg:title owl:DatatypeProperty The :title property specifies a title to the main body content of a publication as a string. rdfs:Literal
npg:titleXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :titleXml property specifies a title to the main body content of a publication as an XML string. rdfs:Literal
npg:contributorList owl:ObjectProperty The :contributorList property specifies an ordered list of contributors. rdf:List
npg:doiLink owl:ObjectProperty The :doiLink property relates a publication to the URI minted from the DOI. owl:Thing
npg:figureList owl:ObjectProperty The :figureList property specifies an ordered list of figures for a publication. rdf:List
npg:hasAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasAsset property relates a publication to an asset. npg:Asset
npg:hasBroaderSubject owl:ObjectProperty The :hasBroaderSubject property relates a publication to a broader subject term than it is actually classified with. npg:Subject
npg:hasCurrentIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasCurrentIssue property relates a publication to the current issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasFigure owl:ObjectProperty The :hasFigure property relates a publication to a figure. npg:Figure
npg:hasIllustration owl:ObjectProperty The :hasIllustration property relates a publication to an illustration. npg:Illustration
npg:hasImage owl:ObjectProperty The :hasImage property relates a publication to an image. npg:Image
npg:hasItem owl:ObjectProperty The :hasItem property relates a publication to an item. npg:Item
npg:hasNextIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasNextIssue property relates a publication to the next issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasPdfAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPdfAsset property relates a publication to a pdf-asset. npg:PdfAsset
npg:hasPreviousIssue owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPreviousIssue property relates a publication to the previous issue. npg:Issue
npg:hasPublishEvent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPublishEvent property relates a publication to a publish-event that describes some recognized change in the status of a publication's publish history. npg:PublishEvent
npg:hasPublisher owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPublisher property relates a publication to the organization that publishes it. npg:Publisher
npg:hasReviewEvent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasReviewEvent property relates a publication to a review-event that describes some recognized change in the status of a publication's review history. npg:ReviewEvent
npg:hasSerial owl:ObjectProperty The :hasSerial property relates a publication to a serial. npg:Serial
npg:hasSubject owl:ObjectProperty The :hasSubject property relates a publication to a subject term which describes one of the main topics the publication is about. npg:Subject
npg:hasWebsite owl:ObjectProperty The :hasWebsite property relates a publication to a website. npg:Website
npg:hasXmlAsset owl:ObjectProperty The :hasXmlAsset property relates a publication to an xml-asset. npg:XmlAsset
npg:imageList owl:ObjectProperty The :imageList property specifies an ordered list of images for a publication. rdf:List
npg:orcid owl:ObjectProperty The :orcid property relates a publication to an ORCID record. owl:Thing
npg:relation owl:ObjectProperty The :relation property relates a publication to a publication. npg:Publication
npg:replacedBy owl:ObjectProperty The :replacedBy property relates a publication to another publication that replaces it. npg:Publication
npg:replaces owl:ObjectProperty The :replaces property relates a publication to another publication that it replaces. npg:Publication
npg:webpage owl:ObjectProperty The :webpage property relates a publication to a page on the web that describes it. owl:Thing
From class npg:Concept
npg:mesh owl:ObjectProperty The :mesh property relates a concept to a Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term as a resource. owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
npg:baseUriTemplate owl:DatatypeProperty The :baseUriTemplate property specifies a string template for an asset base URI. rdfs:Literal
npg:class owl:AnnotationProperty The :class property specifies the class a domain model refers to. owl:Thing
npg:count owl:ObjectProperty The :count property specifies a map which records the number of instances of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:datetime owl:AnnotationProperty The :datetime property specifies a system-generated datetime for an entity. owl:Thing
npg:example owl:AnnotationProperty The :example property specifies an example of an entity. owl:Thing
npg:graph owl:AnnotationProperty The :graph property specifies the full URI of any graph. owl:Thing
npg:hasBlog owl:ObjectProperty The :hasBlog property relates a serial to a blog associated with it. npg:Blog
npg:hasGraph owl:ObjectProperty The :hasGraph property relates an entity to the RDF named graph associated with it. npg:Graph
npg:hasJournal owl:ObjectProperty The :hasJournal property relates a publication to a journal. npg:Journal
npg:hash owl:DatatypeProperty The :hash property specifies a hash value over an entity URI used as a data integrity check. rdfs:Literal
npg:id owl:DatatypeProperty The :id property provides a unique ID for a thing. rdfs:Literal
npg:idHash owl:DatatypeProperty The :idHash property specifies a string hash value for an ID. rdfs:Literal
npg:isNamedResource owl:AnnotationProperty The :isNamedResource property marks whether an object resource is named or is unnamed (i.e. a blank node). owl:Thing
npg:isRepeatable owl:AnnotationProperty The :isRepeatable property marks whether a property can be repeated. owl:Thing
npg:isTestInstance owl:DatatypeProperty The :isTestInstance property marks whether a resource is to be used for test purposes only. xsd:boolean
npg:isVocabulary owl:AnnotationProperty The :isVocabulary property marks whether a class is used for a controlled vocabulary. owl:Thing
npg:status owl:DatatypeProperty The :status property specifies a status string for an ontology term. rdfs:Literal
npg:test owl:DatatypeProperty The :test property specifies a general string test property. owl:Thing
npg:timestamp owl:DatatypeProperty The :timestamp property specifies a generic timestamp for an object. rdfs:Literal
npg:type owl:AnnotationProperty The :type property specifies the local name of the graph namespace used for instances of a class. owl:Thing
npg:xmlId owl:DatatypeProperty The :xmlId property specifies an ID assigned to an XML element. rdfs:Literal


@prefix npg: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

npg:Publication a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy npg: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf npg:Concept ;
    skos:definition "The :Publication class groups together all individuals (or part of) created as the result of the publishing process. Note that we are not referring here to the physical artefacts, but just their abstract counterparts."@en ;
    skos:prefLabel "Publication"@en .