gr:QuantitativeValueFloat leaf node



Quantitative value float


An instance of this class is an actual float value for a quantitative property of a product. This instance is usually characterized by a minimal value, a maximal value, and a unit of measurement.

Examples: The intervals "between 10.0 and 25.4 kilogramms" or "10.2 and 15.5 milimeters".

Compatibility with This class is a subclass of

Superclasses (1)


Instances of gr:QuantitativeValueFloat can have the following properties:

From class gr:QuantitativeValueFloat
gr:hasMaxValueFloat owl:DatatypeProperty This property captures the upper limit of a gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance. xsd:float
gr:hasMinValueFloat owl:DatatypeProperty This property captures the lower limit of a gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance. xsd:float
gr:hasValueFloat owl:DatatypeProperty This subproperty specifies that the upper and lower limit of the given gr:QuantitativeValueFloat are identical and have the respective float value. It is a shortcut for such cases where a quantitative property is (at least practically) a single point value and not an interval. xsd:float
From class gr:QuantitativeValue
gr:hasMaxValue owl:DatatypeProperty This property captures the upper limit of a gr:QuantitativeValue instance. rdfs:Literal
gr:hasMinValue owl:DatatypeProperty This property captures the lower limit of a gr:QuantitativeValue instance. rdfs:Literal
gr:hasValue owl:DatatypeProperty This subproperty specifies that the upper and lower limit of the given gr:QuantitativeValue are identical and have the respective value. It is a shortcut for such cases where a quantitative property is (at least practically) a single point value and not an interval. rdfs:Literal
From class owl:Thing
dc:contributor owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dc:creator owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dc:rights owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dc:subject owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dc:title owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dcterms:license owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
foaf:depiction owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
foaf:homepage owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
gr:displayPosition owl:AnnotationProperty The position at which the option or element should be listed in a menu or user dialog, lower numbers come first. The main usage of this property are the days of the week (gr:DayOfWeek), but it is also possible to apply it e.g. to product features or any other conceptual element. Note: Rely on this property only for data originating from a single RDF graph; otherwise, unpredictable results are possible. owl:Thing
gr:relatedWebService owl:AnnotationProperty The URI of a SOAP or REST Web Service from which additional information about the gr:BusinessEntity, gr:Offering, gr:PriceSpecification, or gr:ProductOrService, or any other element, can be obtained. The recommended range is xsd:anyURI i.e., the URI of a SOAP or REST Web Service. In principle, any existing or upcoming vocabulary for Web Services can be used in combination with GoodRelations, because the association between (a) the service description and (b) the GoodRelations description can be found via the Web Service URI value used with this gr:relatedWebService property. owl:Thing owl:DatatypeProperty owl:Thing owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing owl:DatatypeProperty owl:Thing owl:DatatypeProperty owl:Thing
owl:deprecated owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing


@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

gr:QuantitativeValueFloat a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Quantitative value float"@en ;
    rdfs:comment """An instance of this class is an actual float value for a quantitative property of a product. This instance is usually characterized by a minimal value, a maximal value, and a unit of measurement.

Examples: The intervals "between 10.0  and 25.4 kilogramms" or "10.2 and 15.5 milimeters".

Compatibility with This class is a subclass of"""@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
    rdfs:subClassOf gr:QuantitativeValue ;
    owl:disjointWith gr:QuantitativeValueInteger .