Instances of skos:Concept can have the following properties:
From class skos:Concept | |||
ns1:labelTreeDepth0 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth0 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 0. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth1 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth1 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 1. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth2 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth2 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 2. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth3 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth3 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 3. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth4 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth4 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 4. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth5 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth5 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 5. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth6 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth6 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 6. | xsd:string |
ns1:labelTreeDepth7 | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :labelTreeDepth7 property specifies the label for a concept at a tree depth of 7. | xsd:string |
From class owl:Thing | |||
ns1:abstract | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :abstract property specifies the abstract for a publication as a plain string. | xsd:string |
ns1:abstractTranslated | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :abstractTranslated property specifies the abstract for a publication as a language-tagged string. | rdf:langString |
ns1:articleType | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :articleType property specifies a string value for an article-type. | xsd:string |
ns1:bookType | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :bookType property specifies a string value for a book type. | xsd:string |
ns1:conceptScheme | rdf:Property | The :conceptScheme property specifies the SKOS concept scheme used in creating instances of this class. | owl:Thing |
ns1:count | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :count property specifies a count value. | xsd:integer |
ns1:database | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :database property specifies a database by a simple string value. | xsd:string |
ns1:dateInfo | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :dateInfo property is an abstract property used to group together all date-related properties. | owl:Thing |
ns1:email | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :email property specifies an email address. | xsd:string |
ns1:example | rdf:Property | The :example property specifies an example of an entity. This property is similar to void:exampleResource. But see also skos:example. | owl:Thing |
ns1:hasCitationMetricsEvent | owl:ObjectProperty | The :hasCitationMetricsEvent property specifies a resource which identifies a citation metrics event for a publication. | ns1:CitationMetricsEvent |
ns1:hasJournal | owl:ObjectProperty | The :hasJournal property relates a publication to a journal. | ns1:Journal |
ns1:hasJournalBrand | owl:ObjectProperty | The :hasJournalBrand property relates a publication to a journal brand. | ns1:JournalBrand |
ns1:isAffiliationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isAffiliationOf property is the inverse of the :hasAffiliation property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isAgentOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isAgentOf property is the inverse of the :hasAgent property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isArticleOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isArticleOf property is the inverse of the :hasArticle property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isArticleTypeOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isArticleTypeOf property is the inverse of the :hasArticleType property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isBookChapterOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isBookChapterOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookChapter property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isBookEditionOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isBookEditionOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookEdition property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isBookOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isBookOf property is the inverse of the :hasBook property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isBookSeriesOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isBookSeriesOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookSeries property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isCategoryOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isCategoryOf property is the inverse of the :isCategoryOf property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isConferenceSeriesOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isConferenceSeriesOf property is the inverse of the :hasConferenceSeries property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isContributionOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isContributionOf property is the inverse of the :hasContribution property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isFieldOfResearchCodeOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isProductMarketCodeOf property is the inverse of the :hasProductMarketCode property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isFundedPublicationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isFundedPublicationOf property is the inverse of the :hasFundedPublication property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isFundingOrganizationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isFundingOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasFundingOrganization property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isJournalBrandOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isJournalBrandOf property is the inverse of the :hasJournalBrand property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isJournalOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isJournalOf property is the inverse of the :hasJournal property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isOrganizationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasOrganization property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPersonOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPersonOf property is the inverse of the :hasPerson property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPrincipalInvestigatorOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPrincipalInvestigatorOf property is the inverse of the :hasPrincipalInvestigator property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isProductMarketCodeOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isProductMarketCodeOf property is the inverse of the :hasProductMarketCode property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPublicationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPublicationOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublication property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPublishEventOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPublishEventOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublishEvent property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPublishStateOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPublishStateOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublishState property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isPublisherOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isPublisherOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublisher property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isRecipientOrganizationOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isRecipientOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasRecipientOrganization property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isReviewEventOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isReviewEventOf property is the inverse of the :hasReviewEvent property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isReviewStateOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isReviewStateOf property is the inverse of the :hasReviewState property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isRootOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isRootOf property is the inverse of the :hasRoot property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isSerialOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isSerialOf property is the inverse of the :hasSerial property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isSubjectOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isSubjectOf property is the inverse of the :hasSubject property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:isWorkOf | owl:ObjectProperty | The :isWorkOf property is the inverse of the :hasWork property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:keyProperty | rdf:Property | The :keyProperty property specifies which are the properties used to unambiguously identify an entity type. | owl:Thing |
ns1:license | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :license property specifies a the license terms for an object as a string. | xsd:string |
ns1:namespace | rdf:Property | The :namespace property provides the RDF namespace used in creating instances of a class. | owl:Thing |
ns1:placeInfo | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :placeInfo property is used for grouping all properties describing the location of a thing. | xsd:string |
ns1:pluralLabel | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :pluralLabel property specifies a plural form for the preferred label. | rdf:langString |
ns1:replacedBy | owl:ObjectProperty | The :replacedBy property relates a thing to another thing that replaces it. | owl:Thing |
ns1:replaces | owl:ObjectProperty | The :replaces property relates a thing to another thing that it replaces. | owl:Thing |
ns1:shapeDataClient | rdf:Property | The :shapeDataClient property specifies the data client that a SHACL shape is prepared for. The client may be a data source for imports, or a data sink for exports. See :shapeType for the shape data flow direction. Note that the client may be specified currently as a string, although later is intended to reference a data-clients: taxonomy term. | owl:Thing |
ns1:shapeDataGraph | rdf:Property | The :shapeDataGraph property specifies the data graph that a SHACL shape will be applied to. | owl:Thing |
ns1:shapeType | rdf:Property | The :shapeType property specifies whether a SHACL shape is used primarily for data ingestion ("import") or for data publishing ()"export"). | owl:Thing |
ns1:test | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :test property specifies a general string test property. | owl:Thing |
ns1:timestamp | owl:DatatypeProperty | The :timestamp property specifies a generic timestamp for an object. | xsd:integer |
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
ns1:Work a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Class: Work"@en ;
ns1:namespace "works" ;
rdfs:comment "The :Work class groups together all individuals (or part of) created as the result of the publishing process. Note that we are not referring here to the physical artefacts, but just their abstract counterparts."@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ns1: ;
rdfs:subClassOf ns1:Publication .