resume.owl:Person leaf node





Instances of resume.owl:Person can have the following properties:

From class resume.owl:Person
resume.owl:hasCareer owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Career
resume.owl:hasEducation owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Education
resume.owl:hasExperience owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Experience
resume.owl:hasKnowledge owl:ObjectProperty Describes and identifies relevant areas of knowledge gained from education, and experience. resume.owl:Knowledge
resume.owl:hasName owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Name
resume.owl:hasPatents owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Patents
resume.owl:hasPublications owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Publication
resume.owl:hasResume owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Resume
From class owl:Thing
resume.owl:achieved owl:ObjectProperty resume.owl:Accomplishment
resume.owl:awardedBy owl:FunctionalProperty resume.owl:Organization
resume.owl:hadResponsibility owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
resume.owl:had_activity owl:FunctionalProperty resume.owl:Activity
resume.owl:had_role owl:FunctionalProperty resume.owl:Role
resume.owl:has_CareerAccomplishments owl:FunctionalProperty resume.owl:CareerAccomplishments


@prefix : <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:Person a owl:Class ;
    dc:description ""^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasEducation ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Education ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasContactInfo ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :ContactInfo ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Experience ;
            owl:onProperty :hasExperience ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasExperience ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Experience ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasResume ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Resume ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Career ;
            owl:onProperty :hasCareer ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasKnowledge ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Knowledge ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :ContactInfo ;
            owl:onProperty :hasContactInfo ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Knowledge ;
            owl:onProperty :hasKnowledge ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Name ;
            owl:onProperty :hasName ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Resume ;
            owl:onProperty :hasResume ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasName ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Name ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty :hasCareer ;
            owl:someValuesFrom :Career ],
        [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:allValuesFrom :Education ;
            owl:onProperty :hasEducation ],
        owl:Thing ;
    owl:disjointWith :Accomplishment,
        :ValuePartition .