hucit:CanonicalTextStructure leaf node



Canonical Text Structure


A TextStructure that becomes the canonical way to refer to a certain text.
For example, the canonical structure to refer to Homer's Iliad consists of books that, in turn, consist of poetic lines.
References to such canonical structure are usually given in the paratext of print editions of ancient texts.


Instances of hucit:CanonicalTextStructure can have the following properties:

From class hucit:TextStructure
hucit:has_element owl:FunctionalProperty hucit:TextElement
hucit:is_structure_of owl:FunctionalProperty hucit:SelfContainedExpression
From class owl:Thing
dc:creator owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
dc:description owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
hucit:is_canonical_structure_of owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
hucit:is_identified_by owl:FunctionalProperty hucit:TextElement
owl:deprecated owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
owl:topObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
owl:versionInfo owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
rdfs:comment owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
rdfs:label owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing


@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:CanonicalTextStructure a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Canonical Text Structure"^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:comment """A TextStructure that becomes the canonical way to refer to a certain text. 
For example, the canonical structure to refer to Homer's Iliad consists of books that, in turn, consist of poetic lines.
References to such canonical structure are usually given in the paratext of print editions of ancient texts."""@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf :TextStructure .