A manifestation having another one as alternate.
The alternate relationship involves manifestations that effectively serve as alternates for each other. The alternate relationship obtains, for example, when a publication, sound recording, video, etc. is issued in more than one format or when it is released simultaneously by different publishers in different countries.
core:Manifestation | core:alternate | core:Manifestation |
@prefix core: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
core:alternate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "has alternate"@en ;
rdfs:comment """A manifestation having another one as alternate.
The alternate relationship involves manifestations that effectively serve as alternates for each other. The alternate relationship obtains, for example, when a publication, sound recording, video, etc. is issued in more than one format or when it is released simultaneously by different publishers in different countries."""@en ;
rdfs:domain core:Manifestation ;
rdfs:range core:Manifestation ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf core:relatedEndeavour ;
owl:inverseOf core:alternateOf .