The values txV, txR and txS correspond to the signature of the transaction and are used to determine the sender of the transaction. The value txV specifies the sign and finiteness of the curve point. Since EIP-155 it is used to realize a replay attack protection. It is calculated in the following way: txV = CHAIN_ID * 2 + 36
@prefix : <> .
@prefix ns: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
:txV a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "Transaction v-value"@en ;
:suggestedStringRepresentation "txV" ;
rdfs:comment "The values txV, txR and txS correspond to the signature of the transaction and are used to determine the sender of the transaction. The value txV specifies the sign and finiteness of the curve point. Since EIP-155 it is used to realize a replay attack protection. It is calculated in the following way: txV = CHAIN_ID * 2 + 36"@en ;
rdfs:domain :Tx ;
rdfs:range xsd:byte ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :MessageDataProperty ;
ns:term_status "unstable" .