Countries:OccupiedTerritory leaf node





An existing government body is only given limited recognition by the occupying country. The territory has been unilaterally (temporarily) occupied by some independent country, possibly as a result of war. The occupying country may impose its legislation on the occupied territory, and allow limited autonomy in the occupied territory. The occupied territory is not an integral part of the occupying country. Occupation may lead to formal annexation.

Example: Dispute over Palestinian territory.

Superclasses (1)


Instances of Countries:OccupiedTerritory can have the following properties:

From class Countries:OccupiedTerritory
Countries:territoryOccupiedBy owl:FunctionalProperty owl:Thing
From class Countries:Country
Countries:nameEnglish owl:DatatypeProperty The name of the country in the English language xsd:string
Countries:nameEnglishLong owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:string
Countries:nameLocal owl:DatatypeProperty The name of the country in local language, using ISO-8859 characters. xsd:string
Countries:nameLocalLong owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:string
Countries:referencedByISO3166 owl:FunctionalProperty Countries:ISO3166DefinedCountry
From class owl:Thing
Countries:creationTimestamp owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:dateTime
Countries:deletionTimestamp owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:dateTime
Countries:modificationTimestamp owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:dateTime


@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:OccupiedTerritory a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:comment """An existing government body is only given limited recognition by the occupying country. The territory has been unilaterally (temporarily) occupied by some independent country, possibly as a result of war. The occupying country may impose its legislation on the occupied territory, and allow limited autonomy in the occupied territory. The occupied territory is not an integral part of the occupying country. Occupation may lead to formal annexation.

Example: Dispute over Palestinian territory.""" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:int ;
            owl:onProperty :territoryOccupiedBy ],
        :Country ;
    owl:disjointWith :AssociatedState,
        :VirtuallyAnnexedTerritory .